My Loved Song exploration toolkit

Visualization below is a representation of your spotify loved songs according to songs audio features as intended by Spotify.

Every dot inside the graph represents a single song. Move your mouse over them to get an audio preview of the song. You can also click on a song in order to save it inside a list for later export. if you "center click" on a song, you will remove the song from the visualization.

You are exploring a database of 0 songs but 0 of them (0%) don't have a valid .mp3 preview (coloured in black).


You can use filter to better refine your research.

tempo min max
danceabilty min max
energy min max
valence min max

Or you can also search for specific artist / track / (album - TBD):




Release Year:


Selected Songs

You currently have selected 0 songs (mouse over to preview):